Thursday, March 6, 2014

More Women

today is thursday.
six days into the greatest month of the year.
march, it comes in like a Lion and out like a lamb...or so they say.

so many thoughts.
so many dreams.
so many moments.

it's real.
it is authentically true.

the month of february was a hard one for me this year.
i know i mentioned i lost a few folks who transitioned from the physical world last year. 
the immense amount of loss i experienced last year was unmentionable.
once 2013 ended i was for sure i was in the clear for at least five years.
i was wrong.
january 6 i lost a loved one.
february 7 my heart broke into pieces.

march is here.
march is my spring.
(i know your spring may also be in march or just in your step.)
i'm not being coy.

i'm excited.
i'm about to go to bed but i'm percolating with thoughts.

you can call me kettle corn cause i'm popping with ideas.

i started today by writing four Happy Women's History month hearts.
march is the month i was born.
march is the month my folks tied the knot.
march is when the saints come in.
spring begins in march.
march is a renaissance 

happy women's history month.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Julie Jewels

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