Sometimes They Say/Aveces Dicen
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English is my second language.
When I started kindergarten back in the late '70's, I did not know one word of English. The first five years of this lifetime I only heard and spoke Spanish.
At 11 I taught myself to read and write in Spanish. I would write letters to my family in Ecuador, that's how I got the most practice in the writing. Everyday I would take grandpa's EL DIARO LA PRENSA & EL MUNDO newspapers and start to sound out all the words. It was so much fun. (I'm thinking I might choose another language, buy the newspaper, find a pen pal and start learning a new language soon!)
I'm so grateful my folks taught me Spanish. It wasn't in any way a consciou thought. My family immigrated from Ecuador and Puerto Rico, the only language they spoke at the time was Spanish. For me it's not been easy to teach my son Spanish. My go to language now is English. Only when I am feeling some sort of intense emotion does my mind go to Spanish.
There will be some minor grammar and spelling errors, please help me to correct them, if you can, THANK YOU!
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Thank you for reading and sharing.
In possibility.
Julie Jewels
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